Welcome to EWB Wissensplattform documentation!


The shift from a traditional supply infrastructure to a regenerative, decentralized energy system increased complexity and necessitates the integration of previously independent sectors. The efficient operation of these systems relies on modern IT communication and control technologies. This transition poses significant changes and new challenges for all stakeholders, alongside a substantial need for research. Research, development, and innovation projects in the field of Energiewendebauen, as well as real-world energy transition laboratories, focus on various aspects of this multifaceted topic. They conduct in-depth analyses of the economic, political, and user-specific requirements and challenges. A key objective of the EWB Wissensplattform is to simplify and disseminate the findings from these projects. It serves as a repository where knowledge is aggregated and tailored for different user groups. The platform emphasizes the visual presentation of data, examines the impacts of varying conditions, and facilitates the application of technological advancements. It also involves the verification of digital tools and supports the testing and development of new methodologies. web interface with data base system of project infromation of the “Begleitforschung Energiewendebauen 2020” (focus modul digitalization).

Structure of the documentation

The documentation is structured into two parts. The first part is intended for the end-user of the plattform. It explains topics, which are relvant to the end-user. Everything is explained from a high level view.

The second part holds holds the developer guide where everthing is explained in more detail.

End user guide

Developer guide

HowTo Guides

Old to be refactored

Indices and tables