Data export

On this page the data_export custom django command is described from the developer perspective.

Entry point of the data_export command

When executing the data_export command with the management script, django searches in the app-folders of the project for a script withthe name lieing inside the sub-folder structure management/commands/. Inside a class Command is located, which is inherits from the django class BaseCommand. Django expects the method handle inside that class, which holds the execution logic for the command. Furthermore the optional method add_arguments can be added, which adds arguments to the custom management command. Please consult the respective part of the django documentation. The data_export command expects as a first argument the name of the app from which structured data should be exported. That name is just the app folder name. The handle-method checks if a script is located inside the given app folder and instantiates the DataExport class inside this file. That class holds the app specific export functionality. The most importent elements are class constants definied there. That are the MAPPING_ORM_TO_XLSX and EXPORT_MODEL_OBJ constant. EXPORT_MODEL_OBJ holds the ORM-class model, from which data should be exported. MAPPING_ORM_TO_XLSXis a mapping between the attribute names of the ORM-model and the column names of a structured data file to which it should be converted. That means by removing key-value pairs from the dictionary it can be controlled, which attributes are exported to the data file.