Running the app in production

The following sections address topics, which come up when running the Application in production.

Since the Wissensplattform and the CityGML Visulizations app were developed independently, there are different deployment possiblities. Both apps can be used indipendently or together. In the following sections the different deployment strategies are described.

High level structure

In this section the structure of the different repositories is shown. In general, there is the wissen-digital-ewb repository, the djangoCesium repository and a integration respository.

        graph TD

    integration-repo-cesium-ewb-wissen -->|webcentral/| wissen-digital-ewb
    integration-repo-cesium-ewb-wissen -->|djangoCesium/| djangoCesium

The above figure shows how the two independent repositories are included into a integration repository, which is used to deploy the two applications together. In the following sections the different deployment types are described in detail.

Running Wissensplattform without CityGML visulizations

At first, the deployment of the Wissensplattform without the CityGML visulizations app is discussed. In general, the production mode of the application can be seen as a security hardend version of the development mode. This includes the security on the container level or web security features like HTTPS and CSP.


Using the HTTPS protocol allows to encrypt the HTTP pakets going through the unsecure internet. Since many browsers today have implemented a HTTPS-only mode and using HTTP is generally flagged unsecure, the production mode of the Wissensplattform implements a HTTPS only mode. That means that only connections using HTTPS can be established. To enable the nginx-webserver to encrypt and decrypt traffic, a SSL-certificate and a private key needs to be given. These 2 files need to be stored in nginx/conf/-folder. Furthermore the filenames have to be provided inside the .env-file. The following code listing shows an example on how to add the filenames of the certificate and key file to the .env-file:


General procedure

  1. Copy the certificate and private key file, like shown in the previous section.

  2. Build the app: This needs to be done, since the certificate- and private key file needs to be copied into the nginx docker image:

./run build_initial prod

If on the computer you are deploying the EWB Wissensplattform a deployment has already be made, a database is already present inside a docker volume.

Already present database

If this is the case you can just start the EWB Wissensplattform in the forground of the terminal you are using or in the background using docker compose together with the -d flag: 3. You can use the run-script:

./run up prod

This starts the application in production mode in the foreground of the terminal. Or you can use the docker compose syntax:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d


The docker compose command is not fully equivalent to the run-script command since the -d flag is added, which detaches the compose command from the current terminal. If you like to keep the execution in the foreground of the current terminal you can skip the -d flag.

Newly created database

If there is no database present the following steps need to be done: 3. Use the present dump in the postgres/-folder or a dump which was created in the past. You can either use the run-script with the up_initial command or a series of run-script commands, which will be described in the following:

./run up_initial prod postgres/dump_filename.sql 

The above command is a convience command, which executes the following actions: Starting the application, importing the dump with the name dump_filename.sql from the postgres/ folder and restarting it to bring the EWB Wissensplattform into a healthy state. Alternativly all the steps to import the dump can be done manually: 3. Start the application:

./run up prod
  1. Open a second terminal and navigate to the root-folder of the project. Executing the following command will load the dump with the filename dump_filename.sql from the postgres/-folder:

./run restore_db postgres/dump_filename.sql
  1. After the import process has been completed, the web application needs to be restarted. To do that please switch back to the terminal where the EWB Wissensplattform is running and stop it using CTRL+C. After that restart it using:

./run up prod


docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

to start it in detached mode in the background. Optional: Logos of tools, protocols, datasets and technical-standards are saved inside a seperate docker voume called static-data. These files need to be copied into the volume. In the following it is assumed, that the image files are locate inside a folder webcentral/src/media/. Then the following commands can be used to copy the images into the volume:

source .env
docker cp webcentral/src/media/. webcentral:/home/$WEBCENTRAL_UNPRIVILEGED_USER/webcentral/media/

First the envionmental variables inside the .env file need to be loaded. Afterwards the images inside the media folder are copied into the container.


It was assumed, that the command is executed from within the root folde root folder of the repository.

Deploying the DjangoDesium-application without the Wissensplattform

The DjangoCesium application is build from 3 containers, the frontend-, djangodb- and the citydb-container. The frontend container holds a modified version of the 3DCityDB-web-map-Client, which uses Cesium to show a virtual globe in the browser window. In that globe 3D building visulizations are displayed. To these 3D building visulizations demand timeseries can be simulated and saved in a 3DCityDB database instance. The saved timeseries can be shown by clicking the 3D building visulization in the browser window. That triggers a API call to the djangodb backend container, which fetches the timeseries from the database and returns them to the frontend inside a HTTP response. In a first step, pull the djangoCesium project from github:

git clone 

Like for the Wissensplattform, also create a .env file from the provided .env.example file. Optionally you can edit the provided environmental variables to e.g. change the database credenitals.

cp .env.example .env

Run the compose project by executing the command:

docker compose up

This runs the different dockerized parts of the application in the foreground of the terminal After that import the EnergyADE into the dockerized 3DCityDB:

  • Download the 3DCityDb importer-Exporter from here

  • Import the Energy-ade. You can download the ADE from CityGMLWiki

  • Import the gml-files present under /data into the 3DCityDB using the 3DCityDB Importer-Exporter tool.

Deploying both applications together

When both applications should be deployed together, the integration repository is used. When this deployment strategy is used, both of the before described procedures need to be done. inside the integration repository, Inside the integration repository, the Wissensplattform repository is located inside the webcentral/-folder and the djangoCesium repository is located inside the folder djangoCesium/. In a first step the database container is filled with data from the SQL dump inside the postres/ folder. To do that change directory into the webcentral/ folder and execute the following commands:

cp .env.example .env
./run build_initial prod
./run up_initial prod postgres/webcentral_db_20241202_codemeta_db_structure.sql 

After that, stop the application using

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f down

Go back to the root project folder with

cd ..

Then change directory into the djangoCesium/ sub-folder:

cd djangoCesium/

And execute the commands provided in the previous section. Afterwards return to the root folder. Setup the .env file and place the certificates inside nginx/conf folder. After that start the application with

docker compose up -d

That should start all containers of the Wissensplattform and also all containers of the DjangoCesium project together with a nginx webserver, which routes requests to the right container.