In this section you will understand howto use and configure the pyproject.toml. Therfore we also add some general information about this file. More information you will find in the following links:
general inforamtion about our pyproject.toml¶
The file pyproject.toml is a general config file for python projects. Based on this config file you can build python packages with packaging tools, like setupTool, poetry, Flit or so on. It is a replacement of the former config files
It is defined in PEP 518, PEP 517, PEP 621, PEP 660, PEP 725 and PEP 735.
By the pyproject.toml things like, can be defined:
python dependencies
code linter, like pylint
code formater, like black
python tests
It is a toml-file, obviously (see
howto use the pyproject.toml¶
local installation for development¶
Creating editable installation of our project:
pip install -e '.[dev]'
For the general installation see project install.
general structure of our pyproject.toml¶
In this section the structure of our pyproject.toml file will be explained. Therfore the functions of the parts (not complete) of the file will be commented.
build system¶
The table build-system defines the tool for python packaging. In this case the package tool “setuptools” is setup. It can easily change to other tools, like poetry.
requires = ["setuptools", "setuptools-scm"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
project information¶
The table project includes information and the overall needed dependencies. Here “name” and “version” always needed to be setup.
name = 'wissenplattEWB'
version = '0.1'
authors = [
{name = "name surname"},
description = "WenDE - Wissensplattform: is a platform providing knowledge about tool and data for the researcher community of the EnergieWendeBauen."
dependencies = [
directory structure specific setup¶
The following code lines are needed to specify the root of the program code.
# root folder of the python/django not found automatically
where = ["01_application"]
#include = ["pkg*"] # alternatively: `exclude = ["additional*"]`
namespaces = false
specific dependencies¶
It is possible to setup specific dependencies for specific tasks, like develop or test the program code.
dev = [
test = [
"coverage[toml] ==XXXX",
code style¶
The following code blocks include definitions for the code style of our project. Here the definitions for the linter pylint and the formater black are set up.
[tool.pylint.format] max-line-length = 80
variable-naming-style = "camelCase"
function-naming-style = "camelCase"
profile = "django"
indent = 2
line-length = 80